Welcome to the One Name Study for the name of Strudwicke.
Feel free to email me with any comments.
This web site is host to all and anything STRUDWICK, and also the common and related variations of the name. The site is a combination of both the specific genealogy research, and the more broad name study material and is growing continually, as new material is added.
When I first started the study, genealogical information on the internet was in its infancy, and so a priority was to extract and collate indexes to create a database of Strudwick records. Finding records is now much easier, with sites such as Ancestry, and so maintaining a personal database is not as necessary. (I have included my databases from the old website, although many of these records are now easily accessible elsewhere.)
The name Strudwick and its variants, seems to have originated around Kirdford in the Sussex/Surrey border region. In pursuing the One Name Study I am continually extending family trees for the various branches of the name, and expect that the genealogical data and the One Name Study data will combine as all branches merge to just a few , deep in the past. The current tree branches can be found under the genealogy tab on the menu, and comments/additions/corrections are always encouraged.
A new initiative is the establishment of a DNA project, which will help to disentangle the various variants and branches of the ‘family’. I will be emailing all my Strudwick contacts shortly, to request participants in the DNA research, which should positively confirm connections between branches and whether we all descend from common Strudwick ancestors
I will continue to upload content from the old site, including further information on the history and migration of the name.Please revisit frequently to check for new additions.
If you use social media, why not join the Strudwick Appreciation Group on Facebook
Marcus Strudwicke